Return Policy
If there is any reason you are unsatisfied with your purchase, you may return your order with us within 30 days from your original shipment date. All returns will be credited as online credit only. Please note that the customer will be responsible for the return shipping cost. Return shipping is not refundable.
Returns will be processed approximately 5-7 business days after we receive your return.
If you have received defective or incorrect merchandise (style, size, color, you must contact us via email ( within 5 days of delivery date and provide a photo of the defect.
Non-Returnable Items:
- All sale merchandise, cosmetics, underwear, select lingerie and swimwear, earrings and body piercings, clearance items, and gift cards / e- cards are all final sale items and cannot be returned or exchanged unless required by law.
Store purchases may NOT be returned online, all in store purchases but be returned to any one of our store locations.
All shipping fees are non-refundable.
Boomy Los Angeles reserves the right to determine eligibility for returns, and to update this policy at anytime without notice.